We want you to feel included and loved as part of the family of God. Whether you are married or single, young or old, all of us find our purpose in life and our connection with each other in the wonderful fact that God loves us. He has an exciting plan for your life. We are here to help you discover that plan, receive His love, and appropriate that unconditional love into your life.
God wants to enable you to live a life of abundance. You will see many friendly faces among us -- people who love Jesus Christ and have committed their lives to Him. We are committed to loving you and welcoming you into the Kingdom of God and our family.
Ed & Sharon Swartz
Senior Pastors
All donations are tax deductible. A record of your donation will be mailed after the end of the current tax year.
Meeting Schedule
Sunday: 10:00 am - 10:20 Worship
10:30 am -12 pm worship, communion,
testimonies, teaching, and prayer ministry.
Location: 2630 Bearco Loop, La Grande, OR
Monday Women's Prayer: 1 - 3 pm - Miller home
Worship: Wednesday and Saturday
7 - 9 pm - Church
Contact Us:
2630 Bearco Loop, La Grande, OR
Mailing Address: PO Box 1187
La Grande, OR 97850
(541) 786-2639